Eminem »umoril« MGK in Ariano ter pokazal probleme sveta


Eminem je na srečo vseh presenetil z novim albumom imenovanim Music to be murdered by in po lanskoletnem Kamikaze se je pričakovalo, da bo klasičen Slim Shady. Na ovitku albuma, ki je navdih našla v Alfredu Hitchcocku ima v roki lopato. Poglejmo najboljše rime iz najnovejšega albuma.

Le nekatere rime od vseh

But when they ask me is the war finished with MGK?
Of course it is. I cleansed him of his mortal sins,
I’m God and the Lord forgives.

But I’m contemplating yelling »Bombs away« on the game
Like I’m outside of an Ariana Grande concert waiting.

But I know magic and here go my last trick
I’m ’bout to say “Abracadabra” and pull a B Rabbit up out of my hat.

Seriously though, jokes aside, how you doin’? »You straight?«
She said, »No, I’m bi«.
She said, »Are you drunk?,« I said, »No, I’m high«
»I’m checkin’ out the chick,« she said, »So am I.«

Like the gas in the tank, she’s gettin’ low on me
Said she wants to go with me
I said, »Go with you where?« She said, »Out«
I said, »I’m a candle, I’ll go out if you blow on me.«

I’m a sight to see, but you can see from the ring I’m wearing
Me and this game, we got married already
Had the prenup ready, fucked on her, should’ve seen her belly
She barely was three months pregnant
Bitch had it, gave me a baby, we named it Machine Gun Kelly.

I got your bitch with her butt out
I’m hittin’ a lick and she stickin’ her tongue out
You got no hitters, you might be pitchin’ a shut out
She ’bout to give up the dug out
I should just live in a nut house.

Zresnimo se

Da Eminem ni le za to, da se vsi tako imenovani raperji zamislijo, kam so odpeljali rap, pove tudi nam poslušalcem veliko. S pesmijo Darkness in predvsem z videom za to pesem pokaže s prstom na probleme, ki jih imajo ZDA in cel svet. Duševne motnje, odvisnost od alkohola in drog, še najbolj poudari orožje in kako ga lahko nosijo tudi neuravnovešene osebe. Kdaj se bo to spremenilo? Ko bo mar dovolj ljudem.

Eminem - Darkness (Official Video)

Žiga Kastelic

Urednik portala Student.si

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